- アメリカ合衆国内国歳入庁
- internal revenue service(IRS)
- 採択、導入(会計基準等の)
- adoption
- 圧縮記帳
- deferred tax reserves / reduction entry
- 圧縮記帳積立金
- reserve for reduction entry
- 移動平均法
- moving-average method
- 医療費控除
- medical deduction
- 一時所得
- occasional income
- 印鑑登録証明書
- certificate of registered seal
- 印紙税
- stamp tax
- 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー
- net cash flow by operating activities
- 営業債権
- trade receivables
- 営業債務
- trade payables
- 受取手形
- note receivebale
- 受取配当金
- dividend income
- 受取利息
- interest income
- 親会社
- parent company
- 親会社株式
- parent company stocks
- 青色申告の承認申請書
- application for blue rethrw approval
- 売掛金
- accounts receivable-trade
- 売上割戻引当金
- provision for sales rebates
- 売上計上漏れ
- omission in total sales
- 売上原価
- cost of sales
- 売上債権の増減額
- decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade
- 預け金
- money deposited
- キャッシュ・フロー計算書
- statement of cash flows
- 為替換算調整勘定
- foreign currency translation adjustment
- 仮受消費税等
- suspense receipt of consumption taxes
- 仮払金
- suspense payments
- 仮払経理
- booking as suspense payments
- 加算
- add to taxable income
- 可能性が高い
- probable
- 課税取引
- taxable transactions
- 課税所得
- taxable income
- 会計上の見積もり
- accounting estimates
- 会計方針
- accounting policies
- 会社設立
- establishment of a company
- 解釈指針
- interpretation
- 解釈指針委員会
- SIC : standing interpretations committee
- 開業費
- business commencement expenses
- 開発費償却
- amortization of development expenses
- 外形標準課税
- size-based taxation
- 外国為替レート変動の影響
- effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
- 外国税額控除
- foreign tax credit
- 株価算定
- stock valuation
- 株券
- share certificates
- 株式会社
- corporation (company limited)
- 株式交換
- share exchange
- 株式交換契約
- share exchange agreement
- 株式交付費
- stock issuance cost
- 株式報酬
- share-based payment
- 株主資本
- shareholders’ equity
- 株主名簿
- register of shareholders
- 簡易課税制度
- simplified tax system
- 関係会社株式
- stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社短期借入金
- short-term loan payable to subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社長期借入金
- long-term loan payable to subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社売掛金
- accounts receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関連会社
- affiliated companies
- 関連会社に対する投資
- investments in associates
- 関連当事者についての開示
- related party disclosures
- 企業会計基準委員会
- ASBJ(accounting standards board of japan)
- 企業結合
- business combinations
- 基準諮問会議
- standards advisory council
- 基礎控除
- basic deduction
- 寄附金控除
- contribution deduction
- 機械及び装置
- machinery and equipment
- 規則主義
- rules-based
- 給与支払事務所等の開始等届出書
- tax report for commencement of payroll
- 給与所得
- employment income
- 給与所得控除
- employment income deduction
- 共同支配企業
- jointly controlled entities
- 共同支配投資企業による非貨幣性資産の拠出
- non-monetary contributions by venturers
- 教育訓練費の税額控除
- tax credit for staff training expenses
- 勤労学生控除
- working student deduciton
- 均等割
- levy on per capita basis
- 金融資産
- financial assets
- 金融商品
- financial instruments
- 金融商品に関する開示の改善
- improvement of disclosures about financial Instruments
- 金融負債
- financial liabilities
- 銀行勘定調整表
- bank reconciliation
- 区(市町村)民税
- ward (municipal) tax
- 偶発債務
- contingent liabilities
- 偶発資産
- contingent assets
- 繰延ヘッジ損益
- deferred gains or losses on hedges
- 繰延資産
- deferred assets
- 繰延税金資産
- deferred tax assets
- 繰延税金資産
- deferred tax liabilities
- 契約にリースが含まれているか否かの判断
- determining whether an arrangement contains a lease
- 継続関与
- continuing involvement
- 継続企業
- going concern
- 健康保険
- health insurance
- 健康保険・厚生年金保険の新規適用届
- report of the new application for health insurance / welfare pension insurance
- 健康保険・厚生年金保険の被保険者資格取得届
- report of insured person for health insurance / welfare pension
- 原価差異
- cost variance
- 原材料
- raw materials
- 原則主義
- principles-based
- 減価償却資産の償却方法の届出書
- application for depreciation method of depreciable fixed assets
- 減価償却累計額
- accumulated depreciation
- 減損
- impairment
- 源泉所得税の納期の特例の承認に関する申請書
- application for payment of withholding income tax on a semiannual
- 源泉所得税の納付書
- payment slip for withholding income tax
- 源泉徴収義務
- obligation to withholding income tax
- 源泉徴収義務者
- withholding agent
- 源泉徴収対象
- subject to withholding income tax
- 現金及び現金同等物
- cash and cash equivalents
- 現金主義
- cash basis
- 現在の債務
- present obligation
- 現在価値
- present value
- 現在原価
- current cost / replacement cost
- 現物出資
- contribution in kind
- 個別法
- specific identification method
- 固定資産除却損
- loss on retirement of noncurrent assets
- 固定資産税
- fixed assets tax
- 固定資産廃棄損
- loss on abandonment of noncurrent assets
- 固定資産売却損
- loss on sales of noncurrent assets
- 固定負債
- noncurrent liabilities
- 雇用保険料
- employee insurance premium
- 顧客からの資産の移転
- transfers of assets from customers
- 後発事象
- events after the reporting period
- 交際費損金不算入額
- entertainment expenses, not deductible (excess entertainment expenses)
- 公証人
- notary public
- 公的年金控除額
- deduction for public pensions
- 厚生年金保険料
- welfare insurance premium
- 工事契約
- construction contracts
- 構築物
- structures
- 鉱物資源の探査及び評価
- exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
- 合同会社
- limited liability company / Godo-Kaisha
- 合併差益
- merger gain
- 合併法人
- surviving company
- 国外源泉所得
- foreign source income
- 国際会計基準委員会財団
- IASC foundation
- 国際会計基準委員会(IASC)財団
- international accounting standards committee foundation
- 国際会計基準審議会
- IASB : international accounting standards board
- 国際財務報告解釈指針委員会
- IFRIC : international financial reporting interpretations committee
- 国際財務報告基準
- IFRSs : international financial reporting standards
- 国際財務報告基準の初度適用
- first-time adoption of international financial reporting standards
- 国内源泉所得
- domestic source income
- 借入費用
- borrowing costs
- 組込デリバティブ
- embedded derivatives
- 組込デリバティブの再査定
- reassessment of embedded derivatives
- 貸倒引当金
- allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒引当金繰入超過額
- excess allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒引当金戻入額
- reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒損失
- bad debt loss
- 買掛金
- accounts payable-trade
- 完成品
- finished goods
- 36協定
- notification of agreement on overtime and holiday work
- ジョイント・ベンチャーに対する持分
- interests in joint ventures
- その他有価証券評価差額金
- valuation difference on available-for-sale securities
- 差入保証金
- guarantee deposits
- 債務免除益
- gain on forgiveness of debts
- 最終仕入原価法
- last purchase price method
- 財産目録
- breakdown of assets and liabilities
- 財政状態計算書
- statement of financial position
- 財務諸表の作成及び表示に関する概念フレームワーク
- conceptual framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statement
- 財務諸表の表示
- presentation of financial statements
- 雑所得
- miscellaneous income
- 算定基礎届
- notification of base amount for calculation of social insurance
- 残業手当
- overtime payment
- 仕掛販売用不動産
- real estate for sale in process
- 仕掛品
- work in process
- 仕入税額控除
- purchase tax credit
- 使用人兼務役員
- director-employee
- 支払手形
- note payable-trade
- 支払保険料
- insurance premiums
- 支払報酬
- compensations
- 試験研究費の税額控除
- tax credit for research and development
- 資産の減損
- impairment of assets
- 資本割
- levy on capital basis
- 資本金
- share capital
- 資本準備金
- legal capital surplus
- 資本剰余金
- capital surplus
- 資本性金融商品による金融商品の消滅
- extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments
- 事業構造改善引当金
- provision for business structure improvement
- 事業所得
- business income
- 事業整理損失引当金
- provision for loss on business liquidation
- 事業年度
- fiscal year
- 自己株式
- treasury stock
- 実現可能価額
- realizable value
- 実効金利法
- effective interest method
- 実務上不可能
- impracticable
- 社会保険事務所
- social insurance office
- 社会保険料控除
- deduction for social insurance premium
- 社債
- bond payable
- 社債発行費
- bonds issuance cost
- 車両運搬具
- vehicles
- 取得価額
- acquisition cost
- 受注損失引当金
- provision for loss on order received
- 就業規則
- rules of employment
- 修正申告
- revised tax return
- 住宅取得特別控除
- tax credit for acquisition of a house
- 住宅手当
- housing allowance
- 重要性
- materiality
- 出向元法人
- an assignor company
- 出向者
- an assigned employee
- 出向先法人
- an assignee company
- 出資金
- investments in capital
- 純資産
- net asset
- 所轄税務署
- district office
- 所得税確定申告書
- individual income tax return
- 所得税法
- income tax law
- 所得税率
- rates of individual income tax
- 所有者に対する非現金資産の分配
- distributions of non-cash assets to owners
- 償却原価
- amortized cost
- 償却資産税
- depreciable assets tax
- 商標権
- right of trademark
- 商品
- merchandise
- 少数株主持分
- minority interests
- 消費税課税事業者選択届出書
- tax report for election of consumption taxpayer
- 消費税確定申告書
- consumption tax return
- 消耗品
- supply
- 賞与引当金
- provision for bonuses
- 剰余金処分
- appropriation of retained earnings
- 譲渡所得
- capital gain
- 信託受益権
- trust beneficiary right
- 信頼性をもって測定できる
- can be measured reliably
- 新株式申込証拠金
- deposit for subscriptions to shares
- 新株予約権
- shubscription rights to shares
- 申告期限の延長の特例の申請書
- application for extension of the due date of final tax returns
- 水道施設利用権
- right of using water facilities
- 政府補助金の会計処理及び政府援助の開示
- accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
- 生命保険料控除
- life insurance premiums deduction
- 製品保証引当金
- provision for product warranties
- 税務署
- national tax office
- 税務調査
- tax examination
- 税務調査官
- tax examiner
- 先入先出法
- first-in first-out method
- 租税公課
- taxes and dues
- 租税条約に関する届出書
- application form for income tax convention
- 租税特別措置法
- special taxation measures law
- 遡及的修正再表示
- retrospective restatement
- 遡及的適用
- retrospective application
- 創立費
- organization expenses
- 相殺
- offsetting
- 総平均法
- weighted-average method
- 損益計算書
- statement of profit and loss
- 損金経理
- booking as expense
- 損金算入限度額
- allowable limit of deductible expenses
- 損金不算入
- not deductible from the taxable income
- 敷金
- lease deposits
- 建物
- buildings
- 建物附属設備
- buildings and accompanying facilities
- 取締役会議事録
- minutes of board of directors’ meeting
- 貸借対照表
- balance sheet
- 退職給付引当金
- reserve for retirement allowance
- 退職給付制度の会計と報告
- accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans
- 退職所得
- retirement income
- 代表取締役
- representative director
- 棚卸資産
- inventory
- 棚卸資産の評価方法の届出書
- application for valuation method of inventories
- 短期借入金
- short-term loan payable
- 短期貸付金
- short-term loan receivable
- 中間申告
- interim tax return
- 中小規模企業向け国際財務報告基準
- IFRS for SMEs (small and medium-sized entities)
- 注記
- notes
- 駐在員事務所
- representative office
- 長期預かり敷金
- long-term lease deposited
- 長期預かり保証金
- long-term guarantee deposited
- 定額法
- straight-line method
- 定款を認証する
- notarize the articles of incorporation
- 定款認証
- attestation of the articles of incorporation
- 定款認証手数料
- attestation fee
- 定期預金
- time deposit
- 定率法
- declining balance method
- 適正な表示
- tair presentation
- 電話加入権
- telephone subscription right
- 登記簿謄本
- certified copy of register
- 登録免許税
- registration tax
- 都税事務所
- metropolitan tax office
- 投資損失引当金
- allowance for investment loss
- 当期純損失
- net loss
- 当期純利益
- net income
- 当座借越
- bank overdraft
- 当座預金
- current deposit
- 当初の測定
- initial measurement
- 当初以後の測定
- subsequent measurement
- 特許権
- patent right
- 特別償却準備金
- reserve for special depreciation
- 特別損失
- extraordinary loss
- 特別利益
- extraordinary income
- 特別利害関係者の開示
- related party disclosures
- 立替金
- advances paid
- のれん
- goodwill
- のれん償却費
- amortization of goodwill
- 内国法人
- domestic corporation
- 二重課税回避
- avoidance of double taxation
- 任意積立金
- voluntary earned surplus
- 認識と測定
- recognition and measurement
- 認識の中止
- derecognition
- 認証済定款
- notarized articles of incorporation
- 年末調整
- year-end adjustment
- 納税管理人の届出書
- tax report for appointment of a tax representative
- 納税充当金
- provision of income taxes
- 納税充当金支出事業税等
- enterprise tax paid etc, charged to the accrued income tax account
- ハイパーインフレ経済における財務報告
- Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
- ハローワーク
- public employment security office
- ポイント引当金
- provision for point card certificates
- 配偶者控除
- spouse deduction
- 配偶者特別控除
- spouse special deduction
- 配当所得
- dividend income
- 売価還元法
- retail method
- 売却目的
- held for sale
- 売買目的有価証券
- securities-trading
- 発起人
- promoter
- 発生主義
- accrual basis
- 半製品
- semi-finished goods
- 販売費及び一般管理費
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- 比較可能性
- comparability
- 被合併法人
- merged company
- 費用収益対応の原則
- concept of matching cost with revenue
- 非永住者
- non-permanent resident
- 非課税取引
- nontaxable transactions
- 非居住者
- non-resident
- 標準報酬月額
- standard monthly remuneration
- 付加価値割
- levy on value added basis
- 扶養控除
- dependents deduction
- 負ののれん
- negative goodwill
- 負債
- liability
- 分離課税用の確定申告書
- final tax return for separate taxation
- 米国法人納税者番号
- EIN(employer identification number)
- 別段預金
- separate deposit (escrow account)
- 別表四
- detail of computation of taxable income (schedule 4)
- 返品調整引当金
- provision for sales returns
- 保険積立金
- insurance funds
- 包括利益
- comprehensive income
- 包括利益計算書
- statement of comprehensive income
- 法人住民税
- corporate inhabitant tax
- 法人税割
- levy on corporate tax basis
- 法人税法
- corporate tax law
- 法人税法基本通達
- corporate tax law basic interpretive regulation
- 法人税法施行令
- corporation tax law enforcement ordinance
- 法人設立
- incorporation of enterprise
- 法人設立届出書
- tax report for establishment of Japanese corporation
- 法定休日
- statutory holidays
- 法定福利費
- legal welfare expenses
- 法定労働時間
- statutory working hours
- 法的債務
- legal obligation
- 法務局
- legal affairs bureau
- みなし債務
- constructive obligation
- みなし配当
- deemed dividend
- 見込納付
- estimate payment
- 持分法
- equity method
- 前受金
- advances received
- 前受収益
- unearned revenue
- 前渡金
- advances payments
- 前払費用
- prepaid expenses
- 未監査
- unaudited
- 未収還付税金
- refund of corporation tax claimed
- 未収収益
- accrued income
- 未収消費税等
- consumption taxe receivable
- 未収入金
- accounts receivable – other
- 未着品
- goods in transit
- 未払給与
- accrued salary
- 未払事業所税
- accrued business office taxes
- 未払消費税
- consumption tax payable
- 未払配当金
- dividends payable
- 未払費用
- accrued expenses
- 未払費用認容
- accrued expenses in the previous year, currently deductible
- 未払費用否認
- accrued expenses, currently not deductible
- 未払法人税等
- income taxes payable
- 免税事業者
- tax-exempt business entity
- 免税事業者制度
- tax-exempt enterprize system
- 役員賞与
- director’s bonus
- 役員退職給与引当金認容額
- reserve for director’s retirement allowance in the previous year, currently deductible
- 役員退職給与引当金否認額
- reserve for director’s retirement allowance, currently not deductible
- 役員報酬
- director’s remuneration
- 有価証券
- securities
- 有価証券の評価方法
- valuation method of securities
- 有価証券売却損
- loss on sale of securities
- 有給休暇引当金
- accrued vacation payable
- 有給休暇引当金認容
- accrued vacation payable in the previous year, currently deductible
- 有給休暇引当金否認
- accrued vacation payable, currently not deductible
- 有形固定資産
- tangible fixed assets
- 予定納税
- provisional tax payment
- リース債務
- lease obligations
- リース資産
- lease assets
- 利益準備金
- legal retained earnings
- 流動資産
- current assets
- 流動負債
- current liabilities
- 類似商号調査
- search for similar corporate name
- 取得原価
- historical cost
- 労働基準監督署
- labor standards inspection office
- 労働者意見聴取
- listening to the views of workers
- 労働者災害補償保険
- workmen’s accident compensation insurance
- 労働者名簿
- roster of workers
- 労働保険概算保険料申告書
- return for estimated insurance premium for labor insurance
- 労働保険年度更新
- annual renewal of labor insurance
- 労働保険保険関係成立届
- report of the establishment of a labor insurance relationship
- 割引現在価値
- discounted present value
- 割引手形
- notes receivable discounted
- accounts receivable – other
- 未収入金
- accounting and reporting by retirement benefit plans
- 退職給付制度の会計と報告
- accounting estimates
- 会計上の見積もり
- accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance
- 政府補助金の会計処理及び政府援助の開示
- accounting policies
- 会計方針
- accounts payable-trade
- 買掛金
- accounts receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社売掛金
- accounts receivable-trade
- 売掛金
- accrual basis
- 発生主義
- accrued business office taxes
- 未払事業所税
- accrued expenses
- 未払費用
- accrued expenses in the previous year, currently deductible
- 未払費用認容
- accrued expenses, currently not deductible
- 未払費用否認
- accrued income
- 未収収益
- accrued salary
- 未払給与
- accrued vacation payable
- 有給休暇引当金
- accrued vacation payable in the previous year, currently deductible
- 有給休暇引当金認容
- accrued vacation payable, currently not deductible
- 有給休暇引当金否認
- accumulated depreciation
- 減価償却累計額
- acquisition cost
- 取得価額
- add to taxable income
- 加算
- adoption
- 採択、導入(会計基準等の)
- advances paid
- 立替金
- advances payments
- 前渡金
- advances received
- 前受金
- affiliated companies
- 関連会社
- allowable limit of deductible expenses
- 損金算入限度額
- allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒引当金
- allowance for investment loss
- 投資損失引当金
- amortization of development expenses
- 開発費償却
- amortization of goodwill
- のれん償却費
- amortized cost
- 償却原価
- an assigned employee
- 出向者
- an assignee company
- 出向先法人
- an assignor company
- 出向元法人
- annual renewal of labor insurance
- 労働保険年度更新
- application for blue rethrw approval
- 青色申告の承認申請書
- application for depreciation method of depreciable fixed assets
- 減価償却資産の償却方法の届出書
- application for extension of the due date of final tax returns
- 申告期限の延長の特例の申請書
- application for payment of withholding income tax on a semiannual
- 源泉所得税の納期の特例の承認に関する申請書
- application for valuation method of inventories
- 棚卸資産の評価方法の届出書
- application form for income tax convention
- 租税条約に関する届出書
- appropriation of retained earnings
- 剰余金処分
- ASBJ(accounting standards board of japan)
- 企業会計基準委員会
- attestation fee
- 定款認証手数料
- attestation of the articles of incorporation
- 定款認証
- avoidance of double taxation
- 二重課税回避
- bad debt loss
- 貸倒損失
- balance sheet
- 貸借対照表
- bank overdraft
- 当座借越
- bank reconciliation
- 銀行勘定調整表
- basic deduction
- 基礎控除
- bonds issuance cost
- 社債発行費
- bonds payable
- 社債
- booking as expense
- 損金経理
- booking as suspense payments
- 仮払経理
- borrowing costs
- 借入費用
- breakdown of assets and liabilities
- 財産目録
- buildings
- 建物
- buildings and accompanying facilities
- 建物附属設備
- business combinations
- 企業結合
- business commencement expenses
- 開業費
- business income
- 事業所得
- can be measured reliably
- 信頼性をもって測定できる
- capital gain
- 譲渡所得
- capital surplus
- 資本剰余金
- cash and cash equivalents
- 現金及び現金同等物
- cash basis
- 現金主義
- certificate of registered seal
- 印鑑登録証明書
- certified copy of register
- 登記簿謄本
- comparability
- 比較可能性
- compensations
- 支払報酬
- comprehensive income
- 包括利益
- concept of matching cost with revenue
- 費用収益対応の原則
- conceptual framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statement
- 財務諸表の作成及び表示に関する概念フレームワーク
- construction contracts
- 工事契約
- constructive obligation
- みなし債務
- consumption tax payable
- 未払消費税
- consumption tax return
- 消費税確定申告書
- consumption taxe receivable
- 未収消費税等
- contingent assets
- 偶発資産
- contingent liabilities
- 偶発債務
- continuing involvement
- 継続関与
- contribution deduction
- 寄附金控除
- contribution in kind
- 現物出資
- corporate inhabitant tax
- 法人住民税
- corporate tax law
- 法人税法
- corporate tax law basic interpretive regulation
- 法人税法基本通達
- corporation tax law enforcement ordinance
- 法人税法施行令
- cost of sales
- 売上原価
- cost variance
- 原価差異
- current assets
- 流動資産
- current cost / replacement cost
- 現在原価
- current deposit
- 当座預金
- current liabilities
- 流動負債
- declining balance method
- 定率法
- decrease (increase) in notes and accounts receivable-trade
- 売上債権の増減額
- deduction for public pensions
- 公的年金控除額
- deduction for social insurance premium
- 社会保険料控除
- deemed dividend
- みなし配当
- deferred assets
- 繰延資産
- deferred gains or losses on hedges
- 繰延ヘッジ損益
- deferred tax assets
- 繰延税金資産
- deferred tax liabilities
- 繰延税金資産
- deferred tax reserves / reduction entry
- 圧縮記帳
- dependents deduction
- 扶養控除
- deposit for subscriptions to shares
- 新株式申込証拠金
- depreciable assets tax
- 償却資産税
- derecognition
- 認識の中止
- detail of computation of taxable income (schedule 4)
- 別表四
- determining whether an arrangement contains a lease
- 契約にリースが含まれているか否かの判断
- director-employee
- 使用人兼務役員
- director’s bonus
- 役員賞与
- director’s remuneration
- 役員報酬
- discounted present value
- 割引現在価値
- distributions of non-cash assets to owners
- 所有者に対する非現金資産の分配
- district office
- 所轄税務署
- dividend income
- 配当所得
- dividends income
- 受取配当金
- dividends payable
- 未払配当金
- domestic corporation
- 内国法人
- domestic source income
- 国内源泉所得
- effective interest method
- 実効金利法
- effects of changes in foreign exchange rates
- 外国為替レート変動の影響
- EIN(employer identification number)
- 米国法人納税者番号
- embedded derivatives
- 組込デリバティブ
- employee insurance premium
- 雇用保険料
- employment income
- 給与所得
- employment income deduction
- 給与所得控除
- enterprise tax paid etc, charged to the accrued income tax account
- 納税充当金支出事業税等
- entertainment expenses, not deductible (excess entertainment expenses)
- 交際費損金不算入額
- equity method
- 持分法
- establishment of a company
- 会社設立
- estimate payment
- 見込納付
- events after the reporting period
- 後発事象
- excess allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒引当金繰入超過額
- exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
- 鉱物資源の探査及び評価
- extinguishing financial liabilities with equity instruments
- 資本性金融商品による金融商品の消滅
- extraordinary income
- 特別利益
- extraordinary loss
- 特別損失
- final tax return for separate taxation
- 分離課税用の確定申告書
- financial assets
- 金融資産
- financial instruments
- 金融商品
- financial liabilities
- 金融負債
- Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
- ハイパーインフレ経済における財務報告
- finished goods
- 完成品
- first-in first-out method
- 先入先出法
- first-time adoption of international financial reporting standards
- 国際財務報告基準の初度適用
- fiscal year
- 事業年度
- fixed assets tax
- 固定資産税
- foreign currency translation adjustment
- 為替換算調整勘定
- foreign source income
- 国外源泉所得
- foreign tax credit
- 外国税額控除
- gain on forgiveness of debts
- 債務免除益
- going concern
- 継続企業
- goods in transit
- 未着品
- goodwill
- のれん
- guarantee deposits
- 差入保証金
- health insurance
- 健康保険
- held for sale
- 売却目的
- historical cost
- 取得原価
- housing allowance
- 住宅手当
- IASB : international accounting standards board
- 国際会計基準審議会
- IASC foundation
- 国際会計基準委員会財団
- IFRIC : international financial reporting interpretations committee
- 国際財務報告解釈指針委員会
- IFRS for SMEs (small and medium-sized entities)
- 中小規模企業向け国際財務報告基準
- IFRSs : international financial reporting standards
- 国際財務報告基準
- impairment
- 減損
- impairment of assets
- 資産の減損
- impracticable
- 実務上不可能
- improvement of disclosures about financial Instruments
- 金融商品に関する開示の改善
- income tax law
- 所得税法
- income taxes payable
- 未払法人税等
- incorporation of enterprise
- 法人設立
- individual income tax return
- 所得税確定申告書
- initial measurement
- 当初の測定
- insurance funds
- 保険積立金
- insurance premiums
- 支払保険料
- interest income
- 受取利息
- interests in joint ventures
- ジョイント・ベンチャーに対する持分
- interim tax return
- 中間申告
- internal revenue service(IRS)
- アメリカ合衆国内国歳入庁
- international accounting standards committee foundation
- 国際会計基準委員会(IASC)財団
- interpretation
- 解釈指針
- inventories
- 棚卸資産
- investments in associates
- 関連会社に対する投資
- investments in capital
- 出資金
- jointly controlled entities
- 共同支配企業
- corporation (company limited)
- 株式会社
- labor standards inspection office
- 労働基準監督署
- last purchase price method
- 最終仕入原価法
- lease assets
- リース資産
- lease deposits
- 敷金
- lease obligations
- リース債務
- legal affairs bureau
- 法務局
- legal capital surplus
- 資本準備金
- legal obligation
- 法的債務
- legal retained earnings
- 利益準備金
- legal welfare expenses
- 法定福利費
- levy on capital basis
- 資本割
- levy on corporate tax basis
- 法人税割
- levy on per capita basis
- 均等割
- levy on value added basis
- 付加価値割
- liabilities
- 負債
- life insurance premiums deduction
- 生命保険料控除
- limited liability company / Godo-Kaisha
- 合同会社
- listening to the views of workers
- 労働者意見聴取
- long-term guarantee deposited
- 長期預かり保証金
- long-term lease deposited
- 長期預かり敷金
- long-term loans payable to subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社長期借入金
- loss on abandonment of noncurrent assets
- 固定資産廃棄損
- loss on retirement of noncurrent assets
- 固定資産除却損
- loss on sale of securities
- 有価証券売却損
- loss on sales of noncurrent assets
- 固定資産売却損
- machinery and equipment
- 機械及び装置
- materiality
- 重要性
- medical deduction
- 医療費控除
- merchandise
- 商品
- merged company
- 被合併法人
- merger gain
- 合併差益
- metropolitan tax office
- 都税事務所
- minority interests
- 少数株主持分
- minutes of board of directors’ meeting
- 取締役会議事録
- miscellaneous income
- 雑所得
- money deposited
- 預け金
- moving-average method
- 移動平均法
- national tax office
- 税務署
- negative goodwill
- 負ののれん
- net assets
- 純資産
- net cash flow by operating activities
- 営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー
- net income
- 当期純利益
- net loss
- 当期純損失
- noncurrent liabilities
- 固定負債
- non-monetary contributions by venturers
- 共同支配投資企業による非貨幣性資産の拠出
- non-permanent resident
- 非永住者
- non-resident
- 非居住者
- nontaxable transactions
- 非課税取引
- not deductible from the taxable income
- 損金不算入
- notarize the articles of incorporation
- 定款を認証する
- notarized articles of incorporation
- 認証済定款
- notary public
- 公証人
- notes
- 注記
- notes payable-trade
- 支払手形
- notes receivable discounted
- 割引手形
- notes receivebale
- 受取手形
- notification of agreement on overtime and holiday work
- 36協定
- notification of base amount for calculation of social insurance
- 算定基礎届
- obligation to withholding income tax
- 源泉徴収義務
- occasional income
- 一時所得
- offsetting
- 相殺
- omission in total sales
- 売上計上漏れ
- organization expenses
- 創立費
- overtime payment
- 残業手当
- parent company
- 親会社
- parent company stocks
- 親会社株式
- patent right
- 特許権
- payment slip for withholding income tax
- 源泉所得税の納付書
- prepaid expenses
- 前払費用
- present obligation
- 現在の債務
- present value
- 現在価値
- presentation of financial statements
- 財務諸表の表示
- principles-based
- 原則主義
- probable
- 可能性が高い
- promoter
- 発起人
- provision for bonuses
- 賞与引当金
- provision for business structure improvement
- 事業構造改善引当金
- provision for loss on business liquidation
- 事業整理損失引当金
- provision for loss on order received
- 受注損失引当金
- provision for point card certificates
- ポイント引当金
- provision for product warranties
- 製品保証引当金
- provision for sales rebates
- 売上割戻引当金
- provision for sales returns
- 返品調整引当金
- provision of income taxes
- 納税充当金
- provisional tax payment
- 予定納税
- public employment security office
- ハローワーク
- purchase tax credit
- 仕入税額控除
- rates of individual income tax
- 所得税率
- raw materials
- 原材料
- real estate for sale in process
- 仕掛販売用不動産
- realizable value
- 実現可能価額
- reassessment of embedded derivatives
- 組込デリバティブの再査定
- recognition and measurement
- 認識と測定
- refund of corporation tax claimed
- 未収還付税金
- register of shareholders
- 株主名簿
- registration tax
- 登録免許税
- related party disclosures
- 関連当事者についての開示
- related party disclosures
- 特別利害関係者の開示
- report of insured person for health insurance / welfare pension
- 健康保険・厚生年金保険の被保険者資格取得届
- report of the establishment of a labor insurance relationship
- 労働保険保険関係成立届
- report of the new application for health insurance / welfare pension insurance
- 健康保険・厚生年金保険の新規適用届
- representative director
- 代表取締役
- representative office
- 駐在員事務所
- reserve for director’s retirement allowance in the previous year, currently deductible
- 役員退職給与引当金認容額
- reserve for director’s retirement allowance, currently not deductible
- 役員退職給与引当金否認額
- reserve for reduction entry
- 圧縮記帳積立金
- reserve for retirement allowance
- 退職給付引当金
- reserve for special depreciation
- 特別償却準備金
- retail method
- 売価還元法
- retirement income
- 退職所得
- retrospective application
- 遡及的適用
- retrospective restatement
- 遡及的修正再表示
- return for estimated insurance premium for labor insurance
- 労働保険概算保険料申告書
- reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts
- 貸倒引当金戻入額
- revised tax return
- 修正申告
- right of trademark
- 商標権
- right of using water facilities
- 水道施設利用権
- roster of workers
- 労働者名簿
- rules-based
- 規則主義
- rules of employment
- 就業規則
- search for similar corporate name
- 類似商号調査
- securities
- 有価証券
- securities-trading
- 売買目的有価証券
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- 販売費及び一般管理費
- semi-finished goods
- 半製品
- separate deposit (escrow account)
- 別段預金
- share capital
- 資本金
- share certificates
- 株券
- share exchange
- 株式交換
- share exchange agreement
- 株式交換契約
- share-based payment
- 株式報酬
- shareholders’ equity
- 株主資本
- short-term loan payable
- 短期借入金
- short-term loan payable to subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社短期借入金
- short-term loan receivable
- 短期貸付金
- shubscription rights to shares
- 新株予約権
- SIC : standing interpretations committee
- 解釈指針委員会
- simplified tax system
- 簡易課税制度
- size-based taxation
- 外形標準課税
- social insurance office
- 社会保険事務所
- special taxation measures law
- 租税特別措置法
- specific identification method
- 個別法
- spouse deduction
- 配偶者控除
- spouse special deduction
- 配偶者特別控除
- stamp tax
- 印紙税
- standard monthly remuneration
- 標準報酬月額
- standards advisory council
- 基準諮問会議
- statement of cash flows
- キャッシュ・フロー計算書
- statement of comprehensive income
- 包括利益計算書
- statement of financial position
- 財政状態計算書
- statement of profit and loss
- 損益計算書
- statutory holidays
- 法定休日
- statutory working hours
- 法定労働時間
- stock issuance cost
- 株式交付費
- stock valuation
- 株価算定
- stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates
- 関係会社株式
- straight-line method
- 定額法
- structures
- 構築物
- subject to withholding income tax
- 源泉徴収対象
- subsequent measurement
- 当初以後の測定
- supplies
- 消耗品
- surviving company
- 合併法人
- suspense payments
- 仮払金
- suspense receipt of consumption taxes
- 仮受消費税等
- tair presentation
- 適正な表示
- tangible fixed assets
- 有形固定資産
- tax credit for acquisition of a house
- 住宅取得特別控除
- tax credit for research and development
- 試験研究費の税額控除
- tax credit for staff training expenses
- 教育訓練費の税額控除
- tax examination
- 税務調査
- tax examiner
- 税務調査官
- tax report for appointment of a tax representative
- 納税管理人の届出書
- tax report for commencement of payroll
- 給与支払事務所等の開始等届出書
- tax report for election of consumption taxpayer
- 消費税課税事業者選択届出書
- tax report for establishment of Japanese corporation
- 法人設立届出書
- taxable income
- 課税所得
- taxable transactions
- 課税取引
- taxes and dues
- 租税公課
- tax-exempt business entity
- 免税事業者
- tax-exempt enterprize system
- 免税事業者制度
- telephone subscription right
- 電話加入権
- time deposit
- 定期預金
- trade payables
- 営業債務
- trade receivables
- 営業債権
- transfers of assets from customers
- 顧客からの資産の移転
- treasury stock
- 自己株式
- trust beneficiary right
- 信託受益権
- unaudited
- 未監査
- unearned revenue
- 前受収益
- valuation difference on available-for-sale securities
- その他有価証券評価差額金
- valuation method of securities
- 有価証券の評価方法
- vehicles
- 車両運搬具
- voluntary earned surplus
- 任意積立金
- ward (municipal) tax
- 区(市町村)民税
- weighted-average method
- 総平均法
- welfare insurance premium
- 厚生年金保険料
- withholding agent
- 源泉徴収義務者
- work in process
- 仕掛品
- working student deduciton
- 勤労学生控除
- workmen’s accident compensation insurance
- 労働者災害補償保険
- year-end adjustment
- 年末調整